How to change an android app icon android studio
How to change an android app icon android studio

how to change an android app icon android studio

The table below shows icon resolutions that the Windows and macOS platforms use. Even vector images require some adjustments on specific resolutions to look good in all resolutions. Using a single icon and resizing your icon to fit each resolution is seldom a good idea. You should design different versions of your icon to support each of the resolutions that each one of your target platforms supports.

how to change an android app icon android studio

Depending on the context where your application icon is displayed, a different icon size may be required. Platforms may show your application icon in different contexts, such as an application launcher or a settings window. The icon resolutions that you need depend on the target platform. When you deploy your application, you must provide your application icon in different resolutions. If you want all your new projects to use your own icons, replace these default icon files with your own files. The table below shows the paths where you can find the RAD Studio default icons, relative to the RAD Studio installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0. The following sections explain how to configure your application to use your custom icons. However, before you publish your application you must replace the default RAD Studio icons with custom icons for your application. RAD Studio provides default application icons, so that you can test your application on any platform even if you do not have icons for your application yet. Some platforms do not allow running applications that do not provide application icons.

  • 5.2 Cannot Define an App Icon for My Command-Line Application.
  • 5.1 Cannot Add a 1024×1024 Icon into an macOS Icon Container.
  • 3 Storing Your Icon Files into an Icon Container.
  • You need to add the new rounded icons to the respective roundIcon option on the AndroidManifest.
  • After that, the icons are created on the "mipmap-* * * *" folder.
  • On “Background Layer" use the background provided.
  • how to change an android app icon android studio

  • On "Foreground Layer" select the provided image and resize in order to get the proper aspect for the icon.
  • how to change an android app icon android studio

    With this elements you need to follow these steps to generate the icon with the Image Asset Studio.

  • Image icon without background, example below (foreground).
  • To avoid this is necessary to create an adaptive icon. On API's > 26 android implements adaptive icons, is possible that this causes issues on app icon in existing applications, just like the following example. the solution was create adaptive icons and works perfectly. I have found myself with an issue on my android applications not been able to use adaptive icons, resulting in ugly app icons and strange shapes in different launchers, so.

    How to change an android app icon android studio